Evans Distribution Systems Logo White Version

Quality Management Systems

Evans Distribution Systems has developed and implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) that is compliant with ISO 9001:2015 standards in order to improve overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives.   

Quality Management is a
Top Priority

Quality Policy
Evans Distribution Systems will create an atmosphere of confidence and comfort for our customers by understanding their changing needs and efficiently implementing the processes which exceed their expectations of quality.


our program

Top management ensures that the quality policy is communicated to all employees and it is included in new employee training to maintain high standards within our organization.  Quality objectives and goals are established for all levels and processes throughout the organization to meet requirements to drive performance improvements.  Evans Distribution strives to identify current and future customer needs, in order to meet or exceed their expectations. 

Daily Corrective Action Reports

A report that covers all corrective actions and claims across departments and facilities.

Bi-annual Management Review Meetings

Leaders from every department report on their KPIs and discuss areas for improvement.

Tracking KPIs Leading to Process Improvements

All departments track and report on KPIs to their teams. 

Lean & Six Sigma Methodology

Adoption of a lean process improvement methodology.

Focus on Customer Satisfaction

All new, existing and exiting customers receive an annual satisfaction survey. Results are reviewed quarterly.

Driving Continuous Improvement

Reviewing performance data and customer feedback regularly allows us to make changes on all organizational levels. 

Training and Personnel Development

New processes are translated into action through ongoing employee training. 

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