Evans Distribution Systems Logo White Version

Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe that companies and individuals share the responsibility of improving our communities and the lives of people around us. It’s our goal to make a healthy and positive impact on our workplace, employees, environment and community.

Corporate Social Responsibility Impacts
All of Us

Our mission is to enhance Evans’ supply chain and internal operations through infrastructure, technology, and energy advancements, in order to support the sustainability of our communities and to protect our global environment.  

Impact Areas


As a third-party logistics provider, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint in our warehousing, material handling, and transportation operations. Our philosophy is to drive continuous improvement across all facilities and business units to help us preserve resources and mitigate waste. We maintain our buildings and the grounds surrounding our facilities and our trucks. 


Evans’ workplace culture is focused on support and team building. Employees are given opportunities to continue education and focus on personal and new skill development. We have many internal programs that offer personal development as well including lunch n’ learns, recognition programs, wellness newsletters, online training and corporate events.


We live and work in our communities. Not only do we provide jobs and services to other businesses in our local area but we also give back to the community through charitable giving and engagement. Below you will find the charities that Evans actively supports. Visit our involvement page to learn more about the business and industry organizations that we are involved in. 

organizations that we support

employees in action

3PL Insights Blog

Packaging with plant on it.

Packaging Goes Green

As online purchasing continues to grow a new focus has shifted to sustainable packaging. And for good reason. According to Adobe, consumers spent $10.69 billion

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